Main Page DBus Documentation

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[edit] NDesk.DBus Documentation

Managed D-Bus exports and imports objects implementing interfaces marked with the NDesk.DBus.Interface attribute. This allows developers to either extend existing code with inter-process and network transparency or develop new code to proxy the state of the application. TestExportInterface.cs provides examples of exported and imported interfaces, methods and properties. TestUI.cs demonstrates how the additional NDesk.DBus.GLib library can be used to provide main loop integration with GLib and GTK+ applications. Main loop integration is essential for anything but the simplest uses of D-Bus. Alternatively, message processing can be driven using NDesk.DBus.Connection.Iterate () and related methods.

NDesk.DBus maps all primitive CLR types as well as arrays, generic IDictionary<Key,Value> types and structs to their equivalent D-Bus types, while primitives boxed in System.Object are mapped to D-Bus variants. Managed events are mapped to D-Bus signals (keep in mind that the event delegate type's parameters must correspond directly to the D-Bus signal -- EventArgs parameters are not supported). All of these mappings are transparent and fully interoperable with other languages and platforms implementing the D-Bus specification.

[edit] Interfaces

[edit] Signals / Events

[edit] D-Bus Connections

[edit] Main loop

[edit] Examples