Main Page DBus Documentation

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NDesk.DBus Documentation

This page is a work in progress as of early 2009. editors are invited to update and enhance it.

Getting started

Managed D-Bus exists in the NDesk.DBus namespace. It requires a 2.0 or later CLR implementation due to extensive use of generics. D-Bus is typically used in Unix-like desktop environments and is included in Linux distributions. See the main Managed D-Bus page for source code tarball and repository details.

using NDesk.DBus;

Main loop

Main loop integration or manual polling is essential for anything but the simplest uses of D-Bus. Failure to set up the main loop is the most common mistake encountered by developers learning managed D-Bus.

GLib main loop integration

TestUI.cs demonstrates how the additional NDesk.DBus.GLib library can be used to provide main loop integration with GLib and GTK+ applications.

NDesk.DBus.GLib provides a single static method, BusG.Init (), for hooking NDesk.DBus to the GLib main loop. This method should be called early within the lifetime of the application:

  public static void Main ()
    BusG.Init ();
    Application.Init ();

Custom main loop

The GLib technique described above is strongly recommended where available. It is however possible to use NDesk.DBus without GLib. Message processing can be driven using NDesk.DBus.Connection.Iterate () and related methods.

//run the main loop
while (true)
  bus.Iterate ();

bus.Iterate() will block while waiting for messages, so depending on the design of your application, you may wish to run this loop in a thread. You must take great care not to Iterate() a shared Bus/Connection, and should typically create a new Connection when polling manually. If developing a library or plug-in for re-use in third-party applications, be considerate of other uses of managed D-Bus within the same process.

Connecting to a D-Bus daemon


Managed D-Bus exports and imports objects implementing interfaces marked with the NDesk.DBus.Interface attribute. This allows developers to either extend existing code with inter-process and network transparency or develop new code to proxy the state of the application. TestExportInterface.cs provides examples of exported and imported interfaces, methods and properties.

NDesk.DBus maps all primitive CLR types as well as arrays, generic IDictionary<TKey,TValue> types and structs to their equivalent D-Bus types, while primitives boxed in System.Object are mapped to D-Bus variants. All of these mappings are transparent and fully interoperable with other languages and platforms implementing the D-Bus specification.

[NDesk.DBus.Interface ("org.ndesk.Demo")]
public interface IDemo
  void Say (string str);

Importing a remote D-Bus object

The method Connection.GetObject<T>(busName, objectPath) retrieves a proxy object representing a remote D-Bus object.

Bus bus = Bus.Session;

// Import a remote object to a local proxy
IDemo demo = bus.GetObject<IDemo> (busName, objectPath);

// Invoke the remote method
demo.Say ("hello world");

Exporting a managed object

Signals / Events

Managed events are mapped to D-Bus signals. The event delegate type's parameters must correspond directly to the D-Bus signal -- this means that System.EventHandler / System.EventArgs parameters are not supported.

Obtaining a bus name

Obtaining a strong bus name is very useful when exporting a service. It is also an effective technique for enforcing a single instance policy for your GUI application.

string busName = "org.ndesk.TestApplication";
if (bus.RequestName (busName) != RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner) {
  // Our name is already owned!
  // Notify the existing owner here if desired.
  // Now let's bail out...
  Application.Quit ();

The atomicity of the RequestName() method is a critical feature. Developers should never perform this operation in two steps as below.

// Use the technique described above instead!
string busName = "org.ndesk.TestApplication";
if bus.NameHasOwner (busName);
  bus.RequestName (busName);

If you see code similar to the above anywhere, please submit a patch that replaces it with the correct, atomic version.

General documentation about bus names and their role in D-Bus can be found in documentation on the D-Bus website.


Managed properties are mapped to D-Bus properties. This mapping was/is(?) not standardized by the specification.

The convention used is to map properties to Get/Set method calls. The org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface is not supported automatically but a managed interface description is available for developers wishing to support this interface explicitly (org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties in NDesk.DBus).

Object paths


Knowledge of D-Bus introspection is not necessary to use managed D-Bus, however we will describe here how managed D-Bus supports introspection internally.

Exported managed objects implicitly support D-Bus introspection. Managed D-Bus does not make use of introspection data for imported objects but instead relies on the managed interface descriptions which must accurately represent the remote interface (with the exception that the managed interfaces need only cover the methods, properties and events that are desired for use in the application).

Exceptions and error messages

When calling a remote method, if the method call returns a D-Bus error message instead of a reply, the error will be mapped to a managed exception which is raised and can be caught or allowed to halt execution of the application as with any exception. Similarly, exceptions thrown by exported methods will be mapped to a D-Bus error message which is sent to the caller. In both cases, exception handling is supported as part of the core D-Bus mapping, thus message handling can continue without interruption during and after the exception.

Note however that managed D-Bus exceptions do not round-trip in the current implementation. That is to say, if you throw a FooException on one end, it will be raised as a System.Exception on the calling end. The exception message may or may not contain an indication as to the name of the original exception which may still be helpful to developers who really need this information.

Multi-threaded use

NDesk.DBus is fully thread-safe. Incoming method calls and signals are raised on the main UI thread and main loop. Outgoing method calls receive their replies as expected on the calling thread without blocking the main loop and without blocking any other pending calls. This is currently the primary technique for making asynchronous method calls.

Further examples

Examples in the source code repository. Note that some of these examples are intentionally complex or obtuse to test corner cases in the implementation -- you don't need to do things exactly the same way in your application.

There is a list of applications on the main Managed D-Bus page, many of which are open source. Keep in mind that some of these applications use managed D-Bus in slightly awkward ways, either because the code was ported from older, obsolete D-Bus libraries or because they were developed for very old versions of the library.