Main Page DBusExplorer

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Old stuff, project page and Git repositorie have moved. See for more informations.

D-Bus Explorer is a GTK+ application written in C# which use NDesk’s managed D-Bus library to display the API of D-Bus services. In summary, it’s a clone of dbus-viewer with a GTK+ interface.


Current features :

  • Viewing of the methods, signals and properties of any D-Bus services.
  • Description of each member prototype with, both, a standard and a C#-ish syntax.
  • A clean GTK+ user interface with tab support.
  • Possibility to search/sort the displayed API.
  • Language-customizable prototypes (though only C# is provided for the moment).
  • Automatic generation of the boilerplate code (like automagically creating the necessary interfaces with Managed D-Bus in C#).
  • Bus selection.
  • Ability to invoke basic interface's members and see the result.

Screenshots :

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0.5 release :

Current development is taking place in NDesk's Git :;a=summary


D-Bus Explorer is written by Jérémie "Garuma" Laval. If you have comments, bug reports or anything else, you can ping me on IRC at #managed-dbus on GimpNET server.

For some news about D-Bus Explorer development see my blog.